Local Development Plan
This page provides a collection of relevant extracts from Bradford's Local Development Plan relating to the protection/reuse of heritage assets and provision of walking/cycling infrastructure, including policies which are intended to inform decision-making around planning and development.
These might help you to reach a position on National Highways' planning application or you might want to quote one of the extracts directly within any comment you decide to make. This could add weight to your argument.
Policies are highlighted in green boxes.
Section 3: Spatial Vision, Objectives and Core Policies
Spacial Vision
3.3 By 2030 the Bradford District:
- Has become a key driver of the Leeds City Region’s economy and a much sought after and desirable location where people want to live, do business, shop and spend their leisure and recreation time. The District has demonstrated that it is a place that encourages sustainable lifestyle choices and responds positively to the challenge of climate change.
- The District’s unique landscapes, heritage and biodiversity assets have played a vital role in making great places that encapsulates what makes Bradford so special.
3.9 Bradford’s built heritage is key to the District’s identity and its distinctive sense of place.
3.11 Bradford has worked with partners, to ensure that the District has strong links internationally, internally and to neighbouring districts, particularly Leeds, Craven, Calderdale and Kirklees. This has been vital in order to support the growth of the District, connecting people to opportunities, training, and employment.
3.12 Bradford District is a place that enables and encourages sustainable healthy lifestyles and responds positively to the challenge of climate change.
3.15 The Spatial Vision for Bradford District will be achieved through the following strategic
9 To improve and develop excellent public transport and highway systems to increase the level of accessibility within the District and establish good connections with other parts of the Leeds City Region and the country by ensuring safety, efficiency and sustainability.
11 To provide a clean, safe, secure, sustainable, attractive and accessible built and natural environment in order to reduce the fear of crime and disorder and foster a shared sense of civic pride and responsibility.
12 Safeguard, enhance and promote the diverse historic built and natural heritage of the District which helps reinforce the local distinctiveness of places.
14 Provide accessible and varied opportunities for leisure and recreation including access to the countryside and the utilisation of green infrastructure spaces and routes for walking and cycling.
Strategic Core Policy 1 (SC1): Overall Approach and Key
Spatial Priorities
3.18.B Planning decisions as well as plans, strategies, programmes and investment decisions should seek to:
10 Ensure that transport management and investment decisions support and help deliver the spatial strategy, in particular sustainable patterns of development, inclusive access to jobs and facilities, and shift to sustainable forms of movement.
Strategic Core Policies
3.20 Criterion B (5), refers to supporting key hubs, these comprise a series of networks or convergence of functions of the individual towns and local centres where the growth of the local economy, an increase in the supply of housing and the development of the social structure of the community are all interrelated. The various components of the settlement when considered and addressed as a whole, can lead to a more balanced and sustainable centre. These locations, through their connected activity, will provide an important focal point for services, facilities and employment and cultural activity, improving their performance, management and attractiveness.
3.22 A good quality environment is critical to the social, economic and environmental well-being of the District. Pressures on our environmental assets and resources are likely to increase with the demands for growth. The District is particularly susceptible to a number of environmental threats such as flooding, atmospheric pollution and soil degradation, as well as the multi faceted impacts of climate change. Positive, responsible environment management will be vital to safeguard and improve our environment, including air quality, and the well-being of people in the District.
3.24 More efficient and environmentally friendly movement patterns will be required to support a competitive economy, healthier lifestyles and a quality environment.
3.25 Many parts of the District continue to need to be restructured and the legacies left by past industrialisation addressed. The industrial age has provided a very rich and distinctive character and heritage to the District and had a marked effect on communities and the physical environment.
3.26 The District needs, over the long term, to capitalise on existing strengths, unlock potential and to improve the quality of life, prosperity and health of current and future generations. Economic, social and environmental progress has been uneven across the District. Continued unbalanced development will threaten the future quality of life and competitiveness of the District – with ’overheating’ of already successful areas (through congestion, and reduced environmental quality) and a ’failure to capitalise’ on the latent strengths of under-performing areas.
3.30 Addressing climate change is therefore a key government priority for the planning system. The Planning Act of 2008 introduced a new duty for local development frameworks to address climate change. Key challenges identified in The Act are; securing progress against the UK’s emission targets, delivering the ambition of zero carbon development and shaping sustainable communities that are resilient to climate change.
Strategic Core Policy 2 (SC2): Climate Change and Resource Use
Planning decisions as well as plans, strategies, investment decisions, programmes should:
A Plan for the adaptation and long term resilience to the impacts of climate
change in the district by:
1 Assessing the risks and designing an appropriate level of adaptation into all aspects of regeneration projects, new development and improvements to infrastructure.
4 Addressing the opportunities and pressures that an increasing population has on the districts land resource, particularly in key locations for tourism and recreation.
6 Aiming to improve air quality overall, to integrate road transport emission reduction into decision making and to address the impact of climate change on buildings, public spaces and vulnerable groups.
B Support the Council’s carbon reduction targets by:
1 Maximising energy efficiency, use of sustainable transport and other forms of infrastructure by focusing development and activity in the Regional City of Bradford followed by Keighley, Bingley and Ilkley.
2 Locating development where it will support opportunities for the delivery of renewable and low carbon energy, green infrastructure and improvements to public transport and facilities for walking and cycling.
3.41 Periods of high temperatures could also increase the likelihood of air pollution events. A Low Emission Strategy which aims to take a proactive approach to help maintain and improve air quality within the District, was adopted in 2013. Air quality problems in Bradford are mainly attributable to transport. Many of the most densely populated areas of the District are located in the bottom of river valleys or basins, which can trap poor air quality within the urban areas. Without intervention the need to accommodate growth and development could lead to air quality being worse in the future. The District has a high incidence of deaths from heart disease and in some areas the incidence of asthma is significantly higher than the national average.
Strategic Core Policy 3 (SC3): Working Together
Planning decisions as well as plans, strategies, investment decisions and programmes should be based on:
A Effective collaboration between the Council, adjoining local planning authorities, the District’s Town and Parish Councils, partners, stakeholders and communities within the District, Leeds City Region and beyond, particularly to:
8 Make the best use of sustainable modes of transport, including inter-city regional road and particularly rail and water transport links.
3.49 The Council will work under the duty to cooperate introduced in the Localism Act to ensure effective ongoing collaborate working with relevant bodies to positively address strategic cross boundary issues as well a deliver the ambitions of this plan.
3.50 In July 2012, the Leeds City Region Deal was agreed with central government to boost jobs and growth in the City Region. The Deal gives the local authorities that make up the Leeds City Region greater control over spending and decision making to ensure interventions are inline with the needs of the LCR economy. The City Deal includes a number of initiatives including a £1 billion fund to improve public transport and highways network, additional £400m fund to strengthen infrastructure across the city region
3.51 The Leeds City Region is also currently developing a Strategic Economic Plan in response to central governments initiative to all Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) to agree a Local Growth Deal for their areas. The Strategic Economic Plan will set out the economic ambitions for Leeds City Region and will be used to bid for a share of the Local Growth Fund, which provides LEPs with at least £2 billion funding each year between 2015 and 2020.
Strategic Core Policy 4 (SC4): Hierarchy of Settlements
Local Growth Centres
A Burley in Wharfedale, Menston, Queensbury, Thornton, Steeton with Eastburn and Silsden are the most sustainable local centres and accessible to higher order settlements such as Bradford, Keighley and Ilkley. All are located along key road and public transport corridors and should therefore make a signi cant contribution to meeting the District’s needs for housing, employment and provide for supporting community facilities.
B The roles of Burley in Wharfedale, Menston, Steeton with Eastburn, Silsden, Queensbury and Thornton as accessible, attractive and vibrant places to live, work and invest should be enhanced.
Planning decisions as well as Plans, strategies, investment decisions and programmes should seek to:
1 Improve accessibility from surrounding areas and improve their function as hubs for transport, local facilities, affordable and market housing needs.
2 Develop new and improved public transport links between Local Growth Centres and with Regional City of Bradford and the Principal Towns of Ilkley, Keighley and Bingley and also the Regional City of Leeds and the Principal Towns of Halifax and Skipton.
3 Ensure that they support economic diversication.
4 Enhance the vitality and viability of Local Growth Centres.
5 Create new and improve existing green areas, networks and corridors including the urban fringe to enhance biodiversity and recreation.
3.71 This focus supports a pattern of service centres to meet the needs of rural areas and support a balanced pattern of sustainable development across the District with high quality links to Halifax, Skipton and Leeds beyond the District boundary.
3.73 It is important that the growth and change which occurs within the Local Growth Centres is achieved without detracting significantly from their character and distinctiveness. Elements that should be protected wherever possible include valued open spaces within settlements, and historic buildings and their settings. It is also important that the development which does occur within Local Growth Centres makes maximum contribution to meeting the needs of those local communities and in supporting and enhancing the viability of the local services.
3.86 Public transport corridors should radiate from within settlements to link into main centres of activity and provide the scope for prioritised, high quality and efficient public transport services. Railway stations, park and ride sites and locations along bus routes can all act as ’nodes’ for development to encourage a greater use of public transport. In terms of any peripheral growth areas public transport routes can provide a structure to safeguard or create green wedges of open space or countryside. The transport orientated approach does not seek to ’eliminate’ the car – but balance and reduce its use. Dual careers, the decentralisation of activities and greater specialisation and increased leisure time are all inducing growth in the need to travel. This Strategic Core Strategy policy, along with the District Transport Strategy, seeks to ensure that more of these journeys are made by public transport, foot and cycle.
Green Infrastructure (GI)
3.90 GI offers benefits for physical and mental health by encouraging outdoor recreation, exercise and relaxation. It aims to improve accessibility to the countryside and green space for people who live within the main built up areas. Introducing trees and water bodies into urban areas can enhance visual amenity, moderate the urban heat island effect and help wildlife to adapt to climate change. By offering sustainable transport links and areas where local communities can grow food, GI can help to minimise the ecological footprint of the District.
Strategic Core Policy 6 (SC6): Green Infrastructure
A Planning decisions as well as Plans, policies, strategies and investment decisions will support and encourage the maintenance, enhancement and extension of networks of multi-functional spaces, routes and key areas of Green Infrastructure, as an integral part of the urban fabric and to improve urban and rural connectivity.
The sub-regional drivers of:
- Promoting quality of place and a successful economy
- Achieving greater resilience to climate change
- Encouraging healthy living and sustainable transport and Reversing biodiversity decline
are supported as a basis for programmes of joint investment with partner organisations.
C At a district level, Green Infrastructure is considered to be land which already contributes towards, or has the potential to contribute towards the following:
3 Important attributes of natural green space, connectivity to other green spaces and a local need for open space
4 Valued landscapes and local distinctiveness and amenity, particularly within the urban core
5 Historic parks and landscapes and the setting for heritage assets
6 Improving opportunities for walking, cycling and horse riding, establishing strategic green links and enhancing the rights of way network in urban and rural parts of the district
Green spaces and corridors which can be assessed as making a significant contribution towards the above criteria will be protected.
Fig SS3: Opportunities to improve Green Infrastructure linked to key areas of change
4 Great Northern Trail and other routes identified in the Rights of Way Improvement Plan Improve the network of recreational routes and sustainable transport options leading to healthier lifestyles.
3.98 The Public Rights of Way network in Bradford District includes over 1100km of public footpaths, bridleways and restricted byway. Some of these routes form parts of locally and nationally recognized promoted routes such as the Dales Way, the Bronte Way and the Great Northern Railway Trail. However a large proportion of the network does not form part of any high profile promoted route but does perform a vital role in the day to day lives of Bradford and people employed in the District. The Rights of Way Improvement Plan aims to assess the extent to which the network meets present and likely future needs and includes actions to secure an improved network. The rights of way network represents an important resource and work on identifying strategic green infrastructure networks needs to reflect this.
3.99 Proposals and programmes should seek to contribute towards identifying GI at a neighbourhood scale to improve the quality of life and sense of place within the urban areas. The key areas of change set out in the policy offer opportunities to improve Green Infrastructure focusing on particular objectives. Efforts also need to be focused on areas where a shortfall or gap has been identified and health, environmental quality and density indicators identify the need for an improved resource. Significant gaps in corridors and areas of deficiency need to be analysed by more detailed mapping and consultation with local communities.
3.100 In order to fulfill gaps and address deficiencies, there will be a need to assess underused and vacant land, not currently allocated for development, in terms of the range of functions and services it provides for people and wildlife and its potential to link existing sites and improve connectivity. Where gaps exist, then the aim will be to implement a corridor
when proposals come forward and opportunities arise. Efforts will be made to secure management arrangements to enhance and maintain areas of open space that are readily accessible to those living in the urban areas.
Strategic Core Policy SC9: Making Great Places
A Planning decisions as well as plans, development proposals and investment decisions should contribute to creating high quality places, and attractive, cohesive, sustainable settlements through:
1 Understanding the place and wider context, and taking opportunities to improve areas and make them as good as they can be.
2 Being place specific by responding to the District’s distinctive features and character, and being appropriate to the local context.
3 Creating a strong sense of place through the design of the buildings, streets and spaces.
4 Providing a well-connected network of attractive routes and spaces that are safe and easy to move around for all members of the community.
5 Designing places which can adapt to changing circumstances and needs, and which will function well over the long term.
3.125 Design proposals should be based on a good understanding of the existing place, its key issues and characteristics and the opportunities which exist to improve it. This should be a collaborative process between different professionals and local interests and should seek to involve communities and key stakeholders in identifying aspirations and ideas, whilst also having regard to any relevant strategies and plans which may exist for the area.
3.126 Responding to, and taking advantage of, the District’s distinctive features including its topography, waterways, green networks and landscape features as well as its patterns of development and built form can help create memorable places and reinforce local character. This can be further supported through the arrangement of buildings, routes and spaces and their relationship to each other to provide variety and interest, and attractive, well de ned street scenes. Designs should be appropriate to their local context in terms of scale, density, layout and appearance and should not have an adverse impact on the character and amenity of the area.
3.127 Creating a well connected network of routes and spaces which feel safe and are accessible for all can help to encourage people to travel on foot or by bike rather than by car. This can help to promote healthier and more sustainable lifestyles as well as encouraging social interaction between different members of the community.
3.132 The focus for growth is to create a strong polycentric network of the City, Principal Towns, Local Growth Centres and Local Service Centres which serves to address decentralisation and provides a focus for providing services, facilities and employment opportunities at the heart of communities across the whole of the District. A concentrated approach to growth of settlements in the hierarchy is more efficient in terms of the use of land, infrastructure, service delivery and essential transport connections.
3.136 Each sub area represents a functional area where there are close links between the City, towns and villages and where journeys to work, to shop, to education and to cultural and recreation facilities are not limited by the Bradford District administrative boundaries. The extent and scale of such linkages with adjoining settlements are reflected in travel to work areas, labour markets, retail catchments and strategic housing markets housing market areas.
Managing Change Over Time
3.138 Change needs to be managed realistically and sensitively in the District. The pace and degree of change must be handled in a way that is responsive to objectives such as urban regeneration, renewal and rural renaissance that is reflective of local conditions, whilst ensuring the benefits of change and growth are delivered in a sustainable way as soon as possible.
Section 4.4: Sub Area Policies - Sth Pennine Towns & Villages
Sub Area Policy PN1: South Pennine Towns and Villages
C Economic Development
3 Promote sustainable tourism that respects the Bronte heritage of Haworth and Thornton, the Bronte Parsonage Museum and the importance of the Keighley and Worth Valley Steam Railway.
E Transport
4 Improve public transport, cycling and walking access as appropriate between the South Pennine Towns and Villages, the Regional City of Bradford and neighbouring Principal Town of Halifax.
5 Support improved transport links within the Pennine towns and villages and to the Regional City of Bradford, the Principal Towns of Keighley, Ilkley, Bingley and Skipton and the Town of Halifax particularly for the Local Growth Areas of Queensbury and Thornton.
Sub Area Policy PN2: Investment Priorities for the Pennine
To manage change in the Pennine Towns and Villages on a scale that meets needs for housing, employment and renewal, enhances green infrastructure, heritage assets, community facilities and improves sustainable means of transport partnership working between the public and private sectors, key stakeholder bodies and local communities should focus on:
A Improving public transport, particularly to Queensbury, Thornton and Haworth, to enhance the ease of movement and improve access to jobs within the Regional City of Bradford, Airedale Corridor and Calderdale particularly for disadvantaged communities.
B Supporting sustainable economic, retail and leisure development where this is of a scale appropriate to the settlement, involves the re-use of an existing building, is located on land of the least environmental or amenity value and provides sensitive enhancement of heritage assets or public realm.
Section 5: Planning for Prosperity
5.2 Transport and Movement
5.2.3 The third West Yorkshire Local Transport Plan 2011 - 2026 (LTP3) identifies three key objectives:
1 To improve connectivity to support economic activity and growth in West Yorkshire and the Leeds City Region.
2 To make substantial progress towards a low carbon, sustainable transport system for West Yorkshire, while recognising transport’s contribution to national carbon reduction plans.
3 To enhance the quality of life of people living in, working in and visiting West Yorkshire.
5.2.4 An efficient and effective transport system supporting the key principles of connectivity, accessibility and sustainability is vital to delivering the overall Spatial Vision. Delivery of the Local Plan will perform a vital role in helping to achieve the strategy and objectives set out above.
5.2.5 Major transport infrastructure priorities have been identified across West Yorkshire and York which would be delivered through a ‘West Yorkshire Plus’ Transport Fund that would provide significant transport investment from a range of local and national sources. The key objective of the Fund is to increase GVA across the sub region but there is also a focus on improving accessibility of the more deprived areas to ensure that the benefits of economic growth are shared more equitably. Smaller scale but still critical transport infrastructure and initiatives will be delivered through the Local Transport Plan Implementation Plans and through accessing government grants and third party contributions.
5.2.10 The Core Strategy provides an integrated strategy for providing development in optimum locations which aim to reduce the number and length of car and freight journeys and maximise opportunities for the use of sustainable modes of transport. This will assist in reducing the negative impact of transport on the environment and positively contribute to quality of life.
Travel Reduction and Modal Shift
5.2.13 Addressing traffic growth and congestion is a major issue for the District. A key aim of integrated land use and transport planning policies is to reduce the need to travel and to reduce the length and number of journeys, particularly those made by private car and road freight. The Core Strategy includes a number of complementary policies to attract more journeys by foot, bicycle and onto public transport, encourage developments in locations well-served by public transport or close to a range of services; and introduce measures aimed at achieving a shift away from traditional models of vehicle use. Policy TR1 covers the specific contribution that transport planning makes to effect modal shift and travel reduction. This policy is linked to and dependent on the application of the subsequent policies around demand management and network management and enhancements.
5.2.17 Greater use of walking and cycling as modes of transport, particularly over short distances, requires encouragement and investment. These short but vital links in a journey can often influence the principal modal choice. The wider health benefits of these modes needs to be strongly promoted, whilst the issues of road safety and security also need to be addressed, as concerns relating to personal safety can act as a major deterrent. The provision of well designed spaces for pedestrians and cyclists should be supported through the planning system.
Policy TR1: Travel Reduction and Modal Shift
The Council through planning and development decisions and transport policies will aim to reduce the demand for travel, encourage and facilitate the use of sustainable travel modes, limit traffic growth, reduce congestion and improve journey time reliability. These will include:
B The Council will seek the effective and efficient management of the existing transport networks (strategic and local highway, rail, bus, and cycle and walking routes) to address congestion and encourage modal shift to sustainable transport modes. This will include prioritisation of appropriate sustainable transport modes on the highway, through measures such as HOV lanes, bus priority and cycle lanes.
C Influence travel behaviour through the requirement for all new build and change of use developments (above thresholds set out in the latest DfT guidance) which lead to a potential increase in movements to provide an approved transport assessment / statement and Travel Plan in accordance with DfT guidance.
E Identify, protect and develop appropriate facilities and high quality infrastructure for active travel modes (walking, cycling and horse riding). Including identified strategic routes and networks as well as local routes and links where opportunities arise, linking into national and regional routes. Provide appropriate facilities for active travel modes at new developments, including but not exclusively cycle parking
F A key factor in encouraging the wider take up of alternative fuels, technologies and vehicle ownership and use models is the implementation of the associated recharging, refuelling and other infrastructure. Proposals to implement such infrastructure, for example Electric Vehicle (EV) charging points, through the development process will be explored and supported where viable.
5.2.21 Policy TR1 is consistent with the approach being taken through the West Yorkshire Local Transport Plan in which there is a clear emphasis on managing the network through a Network Management Plan.
5.2.22 The District’s Cycling Strategy contains a delivery plan which will assist in encouraging modal shift to cycling for employment, training and leisure purposes. Work is also being undertaken through the Local Transport Plan and various health initiatives on promoting walking as a transport mode for shorter journeys.
Public Transport, Cycling and Walking
5.2.31 Strengthening public transport and opportunities for walking and cycling is essential for the delivery of the Local Plan and to address existing problems of congestion and accessibility. This could include improvements to capacity, quality and/or journey time reliability. For many people the private car will remain the main feasible means of transport in the more remote parts of the District until public transport can be improved in terms of price, availability, frequency, accessibility and reliability. Improvements to walking and cycling routes and networks are also required to enable shorter journeys to be made by these modes and facilitate high quality multi modal interchange opportunities.
5.2.36 Increased investment is planned on cycling infrastructure through the Local Transport Plan and external grants – for example the Leeds to Bradford ‘City Connect’ Cycle Route.
Policy TR3: Public Transport, Cycling and Walking
The Council through planning and development decisions and transport policies
will safeguard and improve public transport, walking and cycling infrastructure
and services through the following measures:
E To protect sites and routes for heavy rail, light rail transport, bus priority, walking and cycling as identified in the Allocations DPD and Action Area Plan DPDs and the Local Infrastructure Plan.
Transport, Tourism and Leisure
5.2.37 Tourism and leisure activities contribute to the District’s economy and should be encouraged. However, tourism and leisure needs to be accommodated and promoted in a sustainable manner, therefore the policies on modal shift, public transport and active travel in the Local Plan also apply to those on a tourist or leisure trip. It is essential that the impact of transportation on cultural, historical and environmental heritage is mitigated through the application of appropriate Local Plan policies, for example in key destinations such as Haworth, Saltaire and Ilkley Moor. New leisure and tourist attractions should be suitably located wherever possible to enable as many visitors as possible to arrive by sustainable transport modes.
5.2.38 Part of making tourism more sustainable is to encourage people to engage in local attractions, thereby reducing travelling distances, retaining spending, and increasing local pride. For visitors travelling from outside the District, opportunities for sustainable travel, for example rail, should be promoted. Peak spreading of tourism also helps its sustainability as pressure during the peak season on transport and other infrastructure can cause economic, social and environmental problems.
Policy TR4: Transport and Tourism
The Council through planning and development decisions and transport policies will support sustainable access to tourist destinations, heritage and cultural assets and leisure uses, through the following measures:
A Areas of tourist, cultural and heritage significance should not be adversely affected by the impact of transport, in particular additional trips arising from development.
B Provide improved sustainable transport access to existing tourist destinations along with cultural and leisure attractions such as theatres, museums and other sites that generate high levels of visitors.
C New tourist, cultural and leisure attractions that will generate high levels of visitors should be located in accordance with the accessibility standards set out in Appendix 3, and be accompanied by a Transport Assessment and approved Travel Plan, to provide the means and incentives for visitors to travel to the site by modes other than the private car and to relieve stress on the transport infrastructure.
D Acknowledge the contribution of, and support the maintenance and development of, ‘transport based’ leisure attractions including but not exclusively heritage railways, waterways, towpaths, cycle and walking trails and bridleways along with the leisure coach market. Protect opportunities for the development of such facilities e.g. disused railway lines, especially where these can contribute to high quality local routes.
Policy TR5: Improving Connectivity and Accessibility
Support for improvements to transport provision in the more isolated and poorly serviced areas of the District, (as identified through application of the Accessibility standards in Appendix 3) to address the economic and social problems that these locations experience. Including, but not exclusively:
A Encourage the development of sustainable transport or other solutions in isolated areas to facilitate access to services.
Policy TR7: Transport Investment and Management Priorities
Transport Investment and management priorities of the District as outlined in the Leeds City Region Transport Strategy Local Transport Plan, Regional Growth Fund and WY+TF, and other plans that may arise during the plan period due to monitoring and review exercises should be pursued on the basis of the following in priority order:
A Those improving management and maintenance of existing transport infrastructure where it has the potential to support the regeneration or the use of sustainable travel options.
B Those enhancing existing transport infrastructure that has the potential to support regeneration or the use of sustainable transport options
C Those resulting in investment in new transport infrastructure that has the potential to support regeneration or the use of sustainable travel options.
D Maintaining, improving or investing in existing or new transport infrastructure, which does not have the potential to support regeneration or the use of sustainable travel options.
National Planning Policy Framework statement
The transport system needs to be balanced in favour of sustainable transport modes, giving people a real choice about how they travel.
Different policies and measures will be required in different communities and opportunities to maximise sustainable transport solutions will vary from urban to rural areas.
Encouragement should be given to solutions which support reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and reduce congestion.
In preparing Local Plans, local planning authorities should therefore support a pattern of development which, where reasonable to do so, facilitates the use of sustainable modes of transport.
Local authorities should work with neighbouring authorities and transport providers to develop strategies for the provision of viable infrastructure necessary to support sustainable development.
Plans should protect and exploit opportunities for the use of sustainable transport modes for the movement of goods or people.
Local planning authorities should identify and protect, where there is robust evidence, sites and routes which could be critical in developing infrastructure to widen transport choice.
5.4 Environment
Policy EN3: Historic Environment
The Council, through planning and development decisions, will work with partners to proactively preserve, protect and enhance the character, appearance, archaeological and historic value and significance of the District’s designated and undesignated heritage assets and their settings.
This will be achieved through the following mechanisms:
C Require that all proposals for development conserve and where appropriate,
enhance the heritage significance and setting of Bradford’s heritage assets,
especially those elements which contribute to the distinctive character of the
District, specifically:
5 The heritage assets associated with transport including historic bridges, and the structures and character of the Leeds and Liverpool Canal.
F Require proposals to protect or enhance the heritage significance and setting of locally identified non designated heritage assets, including buildings, archaeological sites and parks, landscapes and gardens of local interest.
H Encourage heritage-led regeneration initiatives especially in those areas where the historic environment has been identified as being most at risk or where it can help to facilitate the re-use or adaptation of heritage assets.
5.4.68 The Council will work with partners, including landowners, agents, developers, local organisations and local communities to ensure that the implementation of Policy EN3 delivers the key strategic objective 12 of this plan to ‘Safeguard, enhance and promote the diverse historic built and natural heritage of the District which helps reinforce the local distinctiveness of places.
Non Designated Heritage Assets
5.4.78 Criterion C and F seek to ensure the protection and enhancement of all heritage assets. In support of this policy, the Council requires development proposals affecting a heritage asset to be accompanied by a Heritage Statement which should demonstrate a full understanding of the significance of the asset and mitigation measures. Proposals will be expected to respect and reinforce the distinctive character of the asset and its setting. Account should be taken of the guidance adopted by the Council, particularly Conservation Area Assessments/Appraisals and other guidance documents.
5.4.79 The link between regeneration and the built historic environment is strong and the two are not mutually exclusive. Criterion H recognises the important role the historic environment can play in regeneration schemes. There have been a number of successful schemes in recent years, particularly in the city centre and principal towns. Whilst heritage focused regeneration opportunities must be encouraged, restoration and re-use of heritage assets for the specific benefit of their significance must also be supported.